Friday, 30 September 2011

Return all attributes without having to list them all in the query

Sometimes you might want to return all attributes on an entity without having to list every single one of them in the FetchXML, to do this is very simple in FetchXML, just add in <all-attributes /> where you would normally add in the attributes. If you have a linked entity then you need to add this into the linked entity as well otherwise it will only bring back the primary entities fields.

<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">
   <entity name='account'>
      <all-attributes />
      <filter type='and'>
         <condition attribute='createdon' operator='today' />

Thursday, 15 September 2011

How to display Images that are attached to Notes for CRM 2011 Online – Using FetchXML

How to display Images that are attached to Notes for CRM 2011 Online – Using FetchXML

Create a Query using the Advanced Find in CRM 2011, download the FetchXML from it and edit the file. The actual image is stored in a field which isn’t visible in the CRM GUI, it’s called documentbody. Here’s an example with it in, if you add this code below to your SSRS Dataset then it will show you all notes created this month with the image. Then simple add an <Image> from within BIDS and set the image properties field to the documentbody and MIME type to jpg, gif, png etc..

<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">
  <entity name="annotation">
    <attribute name="subject" />
    <attribute name="notetext" />
    <attribute name="filename" />
    <attribute name="annotationid" />
    <attribute name="overriddencreatedon" />
    <attribute name="documentbody" />
    <attribute name="ownerid" />
    <attribute name="annotationid" />
    <attribute name="filesize" />
    <order attribute="subject" descending="false" />
    <filter type="and">
      <condition attribute="createdon" operator="this-month" />

Works a treat J

Reporting Services - Custom Sort Orders in Tables

SSRS allows you by default to sort on a value  either by A to Z or Z to A, which is fine for most scenarios however what happens if you want to sort in a specific way.

Example, you have 3 values and you want them sorted as per below:


A to Z would give you


Z to A would be a reverse so neither of these would achieve the required sort order.

The answer is so add a IFF Statement to the Sort Expression and select A to Z as the Order, so for example

=iif(value=”Low”,”1”, iif(value=”Medium”,”2”, iif(value=”High”,”3”,””)))
The order is then sorted on the numeric value as opposed to the Alphabetical value, thus giving you your desired sort order J

Error when Suming values from CRM2011 - String not Dec

If you try to sum a value that you’ve queries through FetchXML from CRM 2011 then you need to make sure you choose the FieldNameValue.Value and not the FieldName.Value, the first is the actual value stored as a decimal/integer etc. and the second is simply stored as a string. If you try to sum a string you will see an error similar to this:

Warning  1 [rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The Value expression for the textrun ‘extendedamountValue8.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]’ contains an error: Conversion from string "£‎1,614.13" to type 'Decimal' is not valid.      C:\SSRS Reports\Sales Pipeline.rdl           

Correct Answer for the Purposes of Totaling:

Wrong, unless you simply want to display the value as a string.:


Thursday, 2 June 2011

Fetch XML limitations

There are some limitations which I've come accross which are hopefully MS will change for future releases.

  • You cant specify left outer join, i.e Show me all Accounts without an Activity.
  • Group/Sum isnt supported i.e Select Account, count(accountid), sum(estimated value) from FilteredAccount Group by Account
If these are show stoppers then you will need to look at one of the following alternatives
  • Move to CRM On Premise
  • Create a plugin to store a date field on the record of the last activity etc.
  • Retrieve data using a webservice to store the data locally and then query that instead
Let me know if you find anymore that I havent listed here. 

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

How to Group using FetchXML

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 FetchXML includes grouping and aggregation features which let us to use aggregate functions like sum, count etc.

Using Group by we can calculate sum, avg, min, max, count. But, Group by clause is not supported through LINQ in CRM.

You can only specify one aggregate attribute in a query and you cannot use the distinct keyword. To create an aggregate attribute, set the keyword aggregate to true, then specify valid entity name, attribute name and alias(variable name). You must also specify the type of aggregation you want to perform.

<fetch distinct='false' mapping='logical' aggregate='true'>
<entity name='entity name'>
<attribute name='attribute name' aggregate='count' alias='alias name'/>

Below is the example to get sum of total amount of all won quotes:

string quotes = @"
<fetch distinct='false' mapping='logical' aggregate='true'>
<entity name='quote'>
<attribute name='totalamount' alias='totalamount_sum' aggregate='sum'/>
<attribute name='statecode' groupby='true' alias='state' />
<filter type='and'>
<condition attribute=' statecode ' operator='eq' value='won' />"+
"</filter> "+
"</entity> "+

EntityCollection quotes_result = _service.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(quotes));
foreach (var q in quotes_result.Entities)
Decimal wonQuoteAmount = ((Money)((AliasedValue)q["totalamount_sum"]).Value).Value;

courtesy of:

Thursday, 19 May 2011

CRM2011 FetchXML Row Count

How to find the row count in CRM2011 using fetchxml, just add returntotalrecordcount='true' into the first tag as per below.
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" returntotalrecordcount='true'>


Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Top 10/x Records

Bringing back the top 10 records in CRM2011 using fetchxml is extremly simple, you just need to add in count="10" into the first fetch tag as per below

<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="true" count="10">
  <entity name="bc_renewal">
    <attribute name="subject" />

Monday, 9 May 2011

Fetchxml CRM 2011 Pre-Filtering

How to turn CRM 2011 Pre-filtering on for Reporting Services Reports.

Open the dataset, edit the fetchxml query and add in the enableprefiltering and prefilterparametername box, this description can be whatever you like.

<fetch  version="1.0"

<entity name="opportunityproduct"

Thursday, 24 February 2011

fetchxml conditions, what are they, how do they work

fetchxml conditions, what are they?

Conditions in fetchxml as very straight forward, a full list of them are below.

Example usage for a simple firstname equals robert

<filter type='and'>
      <condition attribute='firstname' operator='eq' value='robert'/>


Example usage for a simple firstname equals robert or simon

<filter type='or'>
      <condition attribute='firstname' operator='eq' value='robert'/>

      <condition attribute='firstname' operator='eq' value='simon'/>


Example usage firstname is a match to one of the values in a multivalue paramater called @FN (firstname)

<filter type='and'>
      <condition attribute='firstname' operator='in' value='@FN'/>


Shows any records where the createdon date equals today or within the last 7 days, note: this only looks at the date, so if your looking at a datetime field then no matter what the time is it will show you todays records.

<filter type='or'>
      <condition attribute = 'createdon' operator='today'/>

      <condition attribute = 'createdon' operator='last-seven-days'/>


ConditionActual comparisonValue
equals xeqx
does not equal xnex
is greater than xgtx
is greater than or equal to xgex
is less than xltx
is less than or equal to xlex
begins with xlike x%
does not begin with xnot-like x%
ends with xlike %x
does not end with xnot-like %x
contains xlike %x%
does not contain xnot-like %x%
does not existnull
in next 7 daysnext-seven-days
in last 7 dayslast-seven-days
next weeknext-week
last weeklast-week
this weekthis-week
this monththis-month
last monthlast-month
next monthnext-month
this yearthis-year
next yearnext-year
last yearlast-year
on x onx
on or after xon-or-afterx
on or before xon-or-beforex
in betweenbetween
not betweennot-between
not innot-in
equals user ideq-userid
does not equal user idne-userid
equals business ideq-businessid
does not equal business idne-businessid

ADFS Timeout on Server 2012 for CRM 2011

This follows on from this Microsoft Guide